^Original-Research: Cenit AG - from GBC AG07.11.2024 / 10:01 CET/CESTDissemination of a Research, transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQSGroup AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this research. Theresult of this research does not constitute investment advice or aninvitation to conclude certain stock exchange transactions.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Classification of GBC AG to Cenit AG Company Name: Cenit AG ISIN: DE0005407100 Reason for the research: Research Comment Recommendation: Buy Target price: EUR 22.00 Target price on sight of: 31.12.2025 Last rating change: Analyst: Cosmin Filker, Marcel Goldmann9M 2024: Sales benefit from inorganic growth, earnings weighed down byone-off effects, guidance and our forecasts reduced, price target lowered toEUR22.00, Rating: BUYBoth organic and inorganic effects contributed to the 13.6 % increase inCENIT AG's revenue to EUR151.43 million (previous year: EUR133.31 million) inthe first nine months of 2024. The companies CCE GmbH (acquired on 3 January2024) and Analysis Prime LLC (acquired on 17 July 2024), which were acquiredin the current financial year 2024 alone, have contributed revenue of EUR7.52million since joining the group. Adjusted for the contributions of the twocompanies and for the base effect of the companies acquired in the previousyear, which are now included for the full reporting period, organic growthwas 4.3 %, close to the company's target of 5.0 %.The increase in sales revenue was offset by a decline in EBIT to EUR3.97million (previous year: EUR4.60 million) and thus in the EBIT margin to 2.6%(previous year: 3.5%). This is mainly due to the acquisition-relatedexpenses and the associated sharp increase in depreciation on acquiredassets. While depreciation increased by EUR1.36 million, the acquisition costsamounted to EUR0.82 million. In addition, there was a negative one-off effect(EUR0.87 million) from the deconsolidation of the Japanese subsidiary.Adjusted for the special effects, CENIT AG would have achieved an increasein EBIT to EUR4.67 million (previous year: EUR3.95 million).Despite the significant decline in EBIT, CENIT AG again generated a highcash flow from operating activities of EUR9.91 million (previous year: EUR8.50million). This covered a significant portion of the purchase price for thetwo corporate acquisitions (EUR13.96 million). Together with the repayment ofbank liabilities, the company continues to have sufficient cash and cashequivalents of EUR12.18 million.In the run-up to the publication of the nine-month report, CENIT'smanagement adjusted its forecast. On the sales side, the contribution of theacquired Analysis Prime was included in the guidance for the first time,with the company expecting sales of EUR 205 - 210 million (previously: EUR 197 -202 million). However, adjusted for the inorganic effect, this correspondsto a slight reduction in the guidance, as the originally expected revenuecontribution of Analysis Prime of USD 11.5 million (EUR10.6 million) wouldhave led to a new guidance of EUR207.6 - 212.6 million. According to thecompany, this is due to the current weak demand from the automotive andaerospace industries, which is likely to lead to lower demand for singlelicences in the fourth quarter of 2024. However, delays in the start of theAnalysis Prime order have also led to a reduction in revenue expectations atthis company. The expected gross profit loss of around EUR7m coincides withextraordinary expenses that have already been incurred and higherdepreciation (PPA depreciation), meaning that the company expects EBIT tofall to between EUR8.0m and EUR8.5m.We are adjusting our forecasts to the new guidance and, on this basis, arereducing our forecasts for the coming financial years. The full-yearinclusion of Analysis Prime, the cost-cutting measures introduced and theabsence of one-off effects should lead to a revenue increase and asignificant improvement in the EBIT margin in the coming financial year2025. This trend should continue into 2026. On the basis of the adjustedforecasts, we have set a new price target of EUR22.00 (previously: EUR24.15). Wecontinue to issue a BUY rating.You can download the research here: http://www.more-ir.de/d/31203.pdfContact for questions:++++++++++++++++Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest pursuant to Section 85 WpHGand Art. 20 MAR The company analysed above has the following potentialconflict of interest: (5a,6a,7,11); A catalogue of potential conflicts ofinterest can be found at:https://www.gbc-ag.de/de/Offenlegung.htm+++++++++++++++Date and time of completion of the study: 07/11/24 (08:21 am)Date and time of the first dissemination of the study: 07/11/24 (10:00 am)---------------------------------------------------------------------------The EQS Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Archive at www.eqs-news.com---------------------------------------------------------------------------2024405 07.11.2024 CET/CEST°